

Z. Feng, S. Tabeta, K. Mizuno, “Resource Loss Assessment of Japanese Littleneck Clam by Hypoxic Water using Planktonic Larvae Tracking Simulation in Ise-Mikawa Bay”, 2021

Y. Ding, S. Tabeta, K. Mizuno, L. A. Jimenez, “Socio-ecological system dynamics of coral reef ecosystems in Pujada bay along city of Mati, The Philippines”, ECSA 58 – EMECS 13 Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene, 2021

K. Tsutsumi, K. Mizuno, and H. Sugimoto, “Accuracy enhancement of high-resolution acoustic mosaic images using positioning and navigating data.” Global Oceans 2020: Singapore–US Gulf Coast. IEEE, 2020

K. Miki, S. Tabeta, & K. Mizuno, “A Preliminary Study on the Site Selection of Offshore Wind Power Generation.” International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (Vol. 84362, p. V005T05A016). American Society of Mechanical Engineers., 2020

S. Tabeta, “Coastal ecosystem modelling”, Forum on Development of a Comprehensive Coastal Ecosystem Modelling, Mapping and Monitoring System(CCEMMMS) in Pujada and Mayo Bays, Philippines, Mati Philippines, 2019年, 12月

K. Mizuno, “Introduction of Japan-Philippines Bilateral Program”, Forum on Development of a Comprehensive Coastal Ecosystem Modelling, Mapping and Monitoring System(CCEMMMS) in Pujada and Mayo Bays, Philippines, Mati Philippines, 2019年, 12月

S. Hagino, “Kumejima coastal sea floor survey using Speedy Sea Scanner and
Examination of coral coverage estimation method using U-net”, Forum on Development of a Comprehensive Coastal Ecosystem Modelling, Mapping and Monitoring System(CCEMMMS) in Pujada and Mayo Bays, Philippines, Mati Philippines, 2019年, 12月

S. Suzuki, S. Tabeta, and K. Mizuno. “Demersal fish catch prediction from environmental conditions with machine learning”, The 9th East Asian Workshop for Marine Environment and Energy, 2019年10月

S. Suzuki, S. Tabeta, D. Sasaki, T. Maruyama, K. Mizuno, “Catch prediction of demersal fish from environmental data with random forest”, The International Society for Ecological Modeling Global Conference 2019, Austria, 2019年10月

R. Oshimi, S. Tabeta, K. Mizuno, “Prediction of environmental influence due to discharged water from ocean thermal energy conversion – water quality modelling and simulations”, The International Society for Ecological Modeling Global Conference 2019, Austria, 2019年10月

K. Mizuno, “Introduction of the novel 3D high-resolution imaging systems for underwater environmental monitoring”, POETS in National Oceanography Center Southampton, 2019年6

Shigeru Tabeta, Ken Okamoto, Takayoshi Kato, Rikito Hisamatsu, Hiroaki Muto, Akinori Hino, Motohiko Murai, Sho Ito, Daisuke Kitazawa, Takeshi Kinoshita, “Environmental Regeneration for a Small-Scale Beach “Heda-Mihama Project”,
38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019),2019.6.

Rikito Hisamatsu, Sooyoul Kim, Shigeru Tabeta, “Estimation of Expected Loss by Storm Surges Along Tokyo Bay Coast”,
38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019),2019.6.

Katsunori Mizuno, Paul Cristini, Dimitri Komatitsch, Yann Capdeville,”Numerical and experimental study on wave propagation in granular media using a spectral-element method”, MTS/IEEE OCEANS ’19, 2019.6.

Rikito Hisamatsu, Sooyoul Kim, Shigeru Tabeta, “Study on the storm surge loss estimation along the Tokyo Bay coast”,
MTS/IEEE OCEANS ’19, 2019.6.


Kimitoshi Iwaba, Shigeru Tabeta, Takaharu Hamada, Takuya Maruyama, Hiroshi Tachi, Daichi Sasaki: Environmental monitoring by fishing boats to predict resource distribution in Ise Bay, 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS12), 2018.11.

Koki Kikukawa, Shigeru Tabeta
A Preliminary Study on Site Selection for Tidal Current Power Plants in Seto Inland Sea
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2018), 2018.6.

Rikito Hisamatsu, Sooyoul Kim, Shigeru Tabeta
Storm Surge Estimation Along Tokyo Bay Based on a Simple Stochastic Approach
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2018), 2018.6.

K. Mizuno, S. Tabeta, Y. Matsumoto, S. Sakamoto, Y. Sugimoto, T. Ogawa, K. Sugimoto, L. Jimenez, K. Terayama, H. Fukami, M. Sakagami, M. Deki, A. Kawakubo, Development of a towed optical camera array system (SSS: Speedy Sea Scanner) for sea environmental monitoring, OCEANS’18/IEEE Kobe/ Techno-Ocean2018, Kobe, 2018年5月

K. Mizuno, Y. Zhang, M. Murakoshi, H. Suganuma, A. Asada, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Takahashi, T. Shimada, Survey of the lotus root habitats in the sediment using acoustic coring system, OCEANS’18/IEEE Kobe/ Techno-Ocean2018, Kobe, 2018年5月

Y. Zhang, K. Mizuno, A. Asada, Y. Fujimoto, T. Shimada, Research on fish classification by using high-resolution acoustic video camera-ARIS and 3-D fish model simulator, OCEANS’18/IEEE Kobe/ Techno-Ocean2018, Kobe, 2018年5月

R. Hisamatsu, S. Kim, S. Tabeta, A study on stochastic storm surge estimation for risk management in insurance systems, OCEANS’18/IEEE Kobe/ Techno-Ocean2018, Kobe, 2018年5月

K. Terayama, K. Mizuno, M. Deki, H. Fukami, S. Sakamoto, Y. Sugimoto, M. Sakagami, A. Kawakubo, Development of coral-coverage estimation method using deep learning and sea trial: at Kujuku-shima islands, OCEANS’18/IEEE Kobe/ Techno-Ocean2018, Kobe, 2018年5月

K. Mizuno, New Sensing Devices for Underwater Survey, 45th Joint Meeting UJNR Sea Bottom Surveys Panel, Honolulu, 2018年, 1月

S. Tabeta, T. Hamada, K. Iwaba, T. Maruyama, H. Tachi, Y. Nakamura: Environmental monitoring using small fishing boats in Ise Bay, The 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management & Conservation, 2017.11.

Rikito Hisamatsu, Sooyoul Kim, Shigeru Tabeta: A Preliminary Study on Storm Surge Estimation AlongTokyo Bay Based on A Stochastic Approach, 8th East Asian Workshop on Marine Environment and Energy, 2017.10.

Hiroaki MUTO, Rio HARADA, Shigeru TABETA, Yoshiharu NAKAMURA: Rationalization of fishing efforts in Ise Bay by mathematical approach, 8th East Asian Workshop on Marine Environment and Energy, 2017.10.

Y. Xia, S. Tabeta: Ecosystem simulations in East China Sea by an integrated model of spatially explicit LTL and EwE, The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2017, 2017.9. (poster)

Kenta Nakamura, Shota Suzuki, Shigeru Tabeta: A Study on the Operation Strategies for Bottom Otter Trawling in Ise Bay, 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.6.

Zhe Wang, Shigeru Tabeta: Numerical simulations of ecosystem change due to discharged water from ocean thermal energy conversion plant, OCEANS’17 IEEE Aberdeen, 2017.6.

Ken TAKAGI, Ryota WADA, Ken KAMIZAWA, Marcio YAMAMOTO, Ramnarayan MONDAL, Shigeru TABETA: A Concept of Small Footprint Logistics Terminal Utilizing Floating Bodies, 5th International Maritime-Port Technology and Development Conference, 2017.4.

K. Mizuno, A. Asada, Y. Saito, F. Katase, K. Kim, K. Tamura, T. Ura, Y. Nishikawa, “Development and sea trial of the Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler system for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles –off Hatsushima Island- “OCEANS’17 MTS/IEEE, Aberdeen, 2017年6月

K. Mizuno, Y. Saito, F. Katase, K. Nagahashi, A. Asada, “Development of the Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles -Prediction of the reflection level using Sonar equation based on TBE and Biot-Stoll model-“, Underwater Technology 2017, Korea, 2017年2月

K. Mizuno, Introduction of optical and acoustic measurement methods for ecological evaluation of underwater world, Symposium on Strengthening Collaborative Research and Education on Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Integrity with University of Tokyo, Japan, Mati Philippines, 2017年, 2月

K. Mizuno, A. Asada, New sonars equipped on AUV for Hydrothermal vents survey in the deep sea area, 44th Joint Meeting UJNR Sea Bottom Surveys Panel, Tokyo, 2017年, 1月

Yuto Takahashi, Shigeru Tabeta, Kazuo Iseki, Takayoshi Kato, Kazuyuki Ouchi: A fundamental study on behavior of deep ocean water discharged for seaweed bed generation, TECHNO-OCEAN 2016, 2016.10. (poster)

Kazuyuki Ouchi, Shigeru Tabeta, Midori Kurahashi, Kazuo Iseki, Masanobu Shibuya: The Real Sea Experiment of Seaweed Growing with DOW, TECHNO-OCEAN 2016, 2016.10.

Zhe Wang, Shigeru Tabeta, Yuka Kitakoji, Shin Okamura: Numerical simulations for behavior of discharged water from ocean thermal energy conversion plant, TECHNO-OCEAN 2016, 2016.10.

Zhe Wang, Shigeru Tabeta, Environmental influence assessment of discharged water from ocean thermal energy conversion by numerical simulations, UTokyo-KAIST-SJTU Symposium, 2016.8. (poster)

Shota Suzuki, Shigeru Tabeta: Fishery simulator for bottom otter trawling in Ise Bay, The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016, 2016.5. (poster)

Yiming Xia, Shigeru Tabeta, Fengjun Duan: Fundamental study on ecosystem in East China Sea by an integrated model of low and high trophic levels, OCEANS’16 IEEE Shanghai, 2016.4.

Rashedul Md. Islam, Shigeru Tabeta: Impacts of Shrimp Farming on Local Environments and Livelihoods in Bangladesh, The 14th International Conference on Environment, Ecosystem and Development, 2016.3.

K. Wear, A. Groopman, J. Katz, M. Holland, Y. Nagatani, K. Mizuno, M. Matsukawa, J. Miller, Signal processing methods for through-Transmission measurements of fast and slow waves in bovine and equine cancellous bone, 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, 2016年11月

H. Suganuma, K. Mizuno, A. Asada, M. Yamamuro, Y. Uehara, K. Okamoto, Detection of Shellfish in the Sediment using acoustic coring system with 1-MHz focus probe, Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics 2016, Busan, 2016年11月

S. Matsukawa, S. Mori, D. Koyama, S. Takayanagi, K. Mizuno, T. Yanagitani and M. Matsukawa, Evaluation of piezoelectricity in bone by ultrasound irradiation, Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics 2016, Busan, 2016年11月

M. Kojima, A. Asada, K. Mizuno, K. Nagahashi, F. Katase, Y. Saito, T. Ura, “AUV IRSAS for submarine hydrothermal deposits exploration”, Tokyo, 2016年11月

K. Mizuno, “Sediment acoustic technology”, Techno-Ocean 2016, Kobe, 2016年10月

H. Suganuma, K. Mizuno, A. Asada, M. Yamamuro, Y. Uehara, K. Okamoto, Detection of Shellfish in the Sediment by 1-MHz Ultrasound: Focusing on Weak Scatter and Incident Angle, Techno-Ocean 2016, Kobe, 2016年10月

K. Nagahashi, A. Asada, K. Mizuno, M. Kojima, F. Katase, T. Ura, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle equipped with Interferometric Real Aperture Sonar., Techno-Ocean 2016, Kobe, 2016年10月

Y. Zhang, K. Mizuno, A. Asada, J. Ashizawa, Y. Fujimoto, T. Shimada, New method of fish classification by using high-resolution acoustic video camera-ARIS and local invariant feature descriptor, OCEANS’16 MTS/IEEE, Monterey, 2016年9月

K. Mizuno, Assessing the biomass and diversity of aquatic plants using high-resolution acoustic imaging sonar, Technical Workshop on Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Analysis 2016, Kyoto, 2016年, 4月

K. Mizuno, A. Asada, Development of Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler equipped on AUV, 43rd Joint Meeting UJNR Sea Bottom Surveys Panel, San Diego, 2016年, 2月

A. Asada, K. Mizuno, Standardization of deep-sea multi-beam survey technology with AUV, 43rd Joint Meeting UJNR Sea Bottom Surveys Panel, San Diego, 2016年, 2月

Hiroaki MUTO, Yoshiharu NAKAMURA, Shigeru TABETA: Investigation on direct sales store of fisheries cooperative to improve the management, 7th East Asian Workshop on Marine Environment and Energy, 2015.10.

Shigeru Tabeta, Takayoshi Kato, Yuto Arii, Kazuo Iseki, Midori Kurahashi, Kazuyuki Ouchi, Masanobu Shibuya: Behaviour analysis of deep ocean water discharged in a small port, OCEANS’15 IEEE, 2015.5.

K. Mizuno, A. Asada, Y. Matsumoto, T. Fujii, K. Sugimoto, M. Yamamuro, M. Sarceda, M. Fortes, L. Jimenez, A new method for making high-resolution optical seagrass map and quantification of dugong trail distribution, The Seventh International Sirenian Symposium In conjunction with the 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, 2015年, 12月

K. Iizasa, A. Asada, S. Lee, K. Mizuno, F. Katase, M. Kojima, T. Kurozawa, Discovery of Seafloor Massive Sulfides in an Andesite-Dacite Knoll Caldera off Present-Day Volcanic Front, Izu-Ogasawara Island Arc, Japan, American Geophysical Union. Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2015年, 12月

M. Kojima, A. Asada, K. Mizuno, A. Mio, S. Tsukioka, S. Omika, T. Ura, 3D Acoustic imagery generation by interferometric analysis of long baseline using Interferometric Real Aperture Sonar., OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE, Washington DC, 2015年11月

H. Taki, Y. Nagatani, M. Matsukawa, K. Mizuno,T. Sato, H. Kanai, Modified transfer function with a phase rotation parameter for ultrasound longitudinal waves in cancelous bone, Acoustical Society of America Fall 2015 Meeting , 2015年11月

S. Matsukawa, H. Tsuneda, I. Mano, K. Mizuno, T. Yanagitan, S. Takayanagi, M. Matsukawa, Ultrasound radiation from bone transducer in the MHz range, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2015年, 10月

K. Mizuno “Measurement system for aquatic plants and creatures”, Forum of Seagrass and Dugong Research ICT-Based Strategy, Mati Philippines, 2015年, 6月

A. Groopman, K. Wear, Y. Nagatani, K. Mizuno, M. Matsukawa, H. Taki, J. Katz, M. Holland, J. Miller, Sample thickness dependence of Bayesian and modified least squares Prony’s analysis methods on systematically shortened bovine cancellous bone, Acoustical Society of America Spring 2015 Meeting, 2015年, 5月

K. Wear, Y. Nagatani, K. Mizuno, M. Matsukawa, Fast and slow wave etection in cancellous bone in vitro using bandlimited deconvolution and Prony’s method, Joint conf. World Fed. Ultrasound. Med. Biol. and Amer. Inst. Ultrasound. Med., 2015年3月

K. Mizuno, A. Asada, J. Ashizawa, Y. Fujimoto, and T. Shimada “Application of a high-resolution acoustic video camera to fish classification: an experimental study“, Symposium on Underwater Technology 2015, Chennai India , 2015年2月